Sunday, March 15, 2009

~Chemistry Component~

1. Two tennis ball cans with tops
2. One twelve inch strip of duck tape
3. One pair of scissors


Although my group and I had a few difficulties, we believe the outcome and the design of our cannon is exceptional. The sturdiness of the cannon will help formulate pressure, allowing the ball to go a farther distance, hopefully reaching four feet. Though, according to Gay-lussac's Law, pressure and temperature are directly proportional, thus as one increases, so will the other. Therefore, the only thing standing in the way of the firing would be cold weather because with cold weather comes low pressure.

Steps for Forming the Cannon:

1. Construct a graphic organizer as a basic foundation for the cannon
2. Take one of the two tennis ball cans provided and cut it at 3 inches.
3. Take the remainder of this can and cut it at 4.5 inches
4. Carefully cut the top of the 3 inch can, forming a parabola. This allows the other untouched can to fit easily within it. **While cutting, we are making sure to form a 30 degree angle.**
5. Repeat step four with the 4.5 inch can.
6. Carefully tape the unused can on top of both of the cut cans, having the now 2.5 inch can (after cutting, step 4) behind the now 4 inch can.
7. Add a hole in the back of the can, allowing the wooden splint of fire to go inside the uncut can.

Reflection Before the Fire:

Working on the cannon, my group members and I faced a few difficulties, as it took some time before we could agree on a final product. One of our major flaws was that we all did not give each other a good amount of time to speak because each person believed they had the perfect idea. Therefore, though we did have a few bumps on the way, we believe our outcome was a success, and we believe in our cannon a great deal. I believe that the cannon will build a strong amount of pressure, and because it is very sturdy, hopefully the cannon will go a far distance. One of the only things my group members and I were worried about was the fact that the body of our cannon was too long. We believe that if we had cut a little bit off the cannon, then we might have had a smaller volume, allowing the ethanol in the cannon the go a shorter distance before reaching the nerf ball.

Reflection After the Fire:

Unfortunately, the cannon did not fire, instead it only shriveled up. This product proved my hypothesis to be both correct and incorrect. I was incorrect be the cannon did not fire at all, and I was correct because the reason it did not fire was possibly because of Gay-Lussac's Law. One of the first things I would change about this project would be to fire the cannons in warmer temperatures because it would allow the pressure to rise with the temperature, thus allowing the cannon to fire a longer distance. I would also change some of the design of the cannon by making its width smaller, giving the ethanol a smaller distance to travel allowing the cannon to fire the cannon much farther.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

~English Component~


What are some examples of times when people must obey an authority figure, even though they may not want to?

1. An example of a time when people must obey an authority figure whether or not they please to, (or risk the punishment), is under the law, during school, or at work. Police officers are treated with a great amount of respect in our society. Every man/women must follow their directions, or risk the consequences. Also, during school, children must obey their teachers or risk the punishment. Likewise, at work, adults must respect and obey other adults that have a higher position than them, or risk losing their job.

Must military commanders enforce harsh discipline on their soldiers?

2. Military commanders must enforce some harsh discipline on the soldiers but from the start, but these young men and women know what they are getting themselves into before they become apart of the military so they should be prepared to follow a strong authority figure.

Is it important for a military outfit to work as a team?

3. Yes, if the military outfit did not work as a team, they would be unsuccessful in almost everything the tried. They would also never agree on the different tactics they would use during battle; so while in war, they will most likely suffer with many casualties.

What are the consequences if a commander is unable to keep his or her troops under control during wartime?

4. If a commander is not able to keep his or her soldiers under control during wartime, then the soldiers would most likely be unsuccessful. The soldiers could refuse to fight during the war, or there could be a strong lack of effort portrayed during the battle.

Analysis of "The Charge of the Light Brigade", by: Tennyson:

Recall and interpret facts and extend meanings

1. This poem describes Tennyson’s point of view in the Crimean War between Turkey and Russia. Because one of the people in the Turkish army made a mistake, their entire tactics were ruined. And though they suffered this downfall, they courageously continued the war as they charged into the Russian area with all their might. This charge lead to the death of many in the Turkish army, and those who survived held great pride, and were honored a great deal as well.

Analyze narrative poetry and the use of repetition and metaphor in a poem

2. Tennyson continuously describes the charge as, "Into the valley of death" and "Into the mouth of hell". These fine soldiers did a noble thing charging into their enemies because not only were there more of the enemies, but they were ready and unharmed. Tennyson also shows his respect by describing the soldiers as, "The Light Brigade". Within this poem, a lot of imagery is shown as Tennyson vividly describes the soldier’s actions, and the respect held for them.

Discuss the following themes: courage and honor; leaders and followers; justice and vengeance

3. After reading this fine poem, it was obvious to see the large amount of courage these noble soldiers had. After these soldiers unsuccessfully fired their artillery, they still continued fighting by charging into their enemies. And of course, from strong courage comes great respect because the soldiers that were able to come out of this war alive were honored and respected a great deal. These soldiers worked extremely well together, though they lost many lives. They went in to avenge their people, though no justice was gained because the soldiers lost. However, because the soldiers proudly went to fight, never holding back, they showed a great amount of hope for themselves and for their country ;and each man that walked away alive, had earned their own form of justice. At the beginning of the war, and while the decisions were being made, the leaders were smart as looked for ways to be successful during the war. The followers were also wise as they took on each of their own responsibilities as a duty, never holding back, not even to save their life. Furthermore, as the war took place, nobody could be classified as a leader or a follower because they all tried their best, they all looked out for each other, and they were all out there for the same reason.

Overture of 1812:

Overture of 1812 is a fast pace piece which shows the accelerating feeling of war. This song protrays that while in war nobody has control of the situation or can control what happens next. Once the cannons are shot, the lives begin to be lost rapidly, and nobody has control over it. Every life that is lost is another reason for the soldiers to run home crying, yet everyone stays exactly where they are. Soon after, the piece begins to slow and it seems as if the battle has ended, and the people alive are relieved, and the people dead are honored. Suddenly the piece becomes even hastier than the beginning and it is as if the people alive want to avenge the opposing army for all of the people they killed, and the cannons go off oncemore. These people are insane as they thirst for the death of their enemies. FInally, the piece begins to slow oncemore and it seems that all has given up for fear of losing their life.

~Math Component~

1. The angle we chose for our cannon was 30 degrees. We chose this because we believed the cannon would not be low enough to hit the ground, though it would not be high enough to go straight up into the air, then come straight back down, forming a porabala.

2. Initial Velocity

Projectile Formula: R= (Vo^2)(sin2theta)/g
R(Launch distance)= 0
Theta(Launch angle)= 30 degrees
Final Formula: 0=(Vo^2)(sin2*30)/32.2 sec.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Cannons have been used since the beginning of war, and as their style and sturdiness changes with man; they are still as effective, and growing, as they were in the 13th century.  All throughout history, cannons have been a large part of weaponry in war, and though this might seem quite odd, cannons have been used since before the 1700’s.  Actually, one of the first cannons, or trebuchets, was made by the Chinese, in the 13th century.  The Chinese basically developed metal tubes with gun powder; this was technically the first cannon ever made.  When using this cannon, and other similar but primitive cannons, it was obvious to see that the cannons made more damage on the side shooting the cannon, rather than the opposing side.  This reaction was caused by the fact that if the cannons were made with the slightest defect, gases within the cannon would explode, causing the death of anyone near by.

One of the first successful artillery was the catapult, and though it was very simple, its style proved to be very successful.  Catapults were proved to be very popular during the Middle Ages, and a very effective way for battle.  Though catapults were successful, and are still used today, they still have their flaws.  Much work was required in launching a catapult.  Once the rock on a catapult is thrown, people go through many steps as they bring the catapult back down, and place another rock on it.  


Cannons in the 1800’s became more accurate, and began working towards perfection.  All over the world, accuracy became a key part of the quality of cannons.  During the civil War, cannons became a key part, and therefore, the production of them needed to be better quality, and more available.  America began producing cannons such as the Muzzle-Loading Howitzer.  This cannon could have an accurate, and effective range over 1.1 miles.  Also, during Napoleons rise for power, the Smoothbore 12 pounder Napoleon was formed.   This cannon was known for its sturdiness, reliability, firepower, flexibility, relatively light weight, and range of 1,700 miles.  Therefore, though the cannons changes very little during this time period, they became more enhanced, and it helped bring us where we are today.


Today, cannons have come along way from the self destructing cannons of the Chinese, to nuclear weapons, and machine guns.  Though cannons are still used today, and are as sturdy and as accurate as can be, we have moved closer to nuclear weapons during the Cold War.  The Soviet Union and the United States battled Nuclear War during a large part of the Cold War.  They were locked in an arms race, and were hand in hand as they both invented new and different types of atomic and hydrogen bombs.  Machine guns also came to be because everyday more and more are invented, one deadlier than the next.  Though we would not like to admit it, weaponry is, and always will be a large part of our society.  Throughout the century, our knowledge of this topic has grown, and today we withhold deadly weapons that could wipe out the entire earth in a matter of a few hours.