Friday, February 13, 2009


Cannons in the 1800’s became more accurate, and began working towards perfection.  All over the world, accuracy became a key part of the quality of cannons.  During the civil War, cannons became a key part, and therefore, the production of them needed to be better quality, and more available.  America began producing cannons such as the Muzzle-Loading Howitzer.  This cannon could have an accurate, and effective range over 1.1 miles.  Also, during Napoleons rise for power, the Smoothbore 12 pounder Napoleon was formed.   This cannon was known for its sturdiness, reliability, firepower, flexibility, relatively light weight, and range of 1,700 miles.  Therefore, though the cannons changes very little during this time period, they became more enhanced, and it helped bring us where we are today.


  1. Tala, i like the way you presented your blog. It is very professional like. Not to mention the amazing information you have included here. This blog will be helpful to those who need to know about certain types of cannons. Good Job!

  2. Once again in this paragraph I feel that you repeated yourself again. In this paragrpah you repeated "key part" a lot, so I would suggest to find another way to say this. Also your final, or conclusioin sentence, in a run on. For this I would either change the whole sentence, still being able to say what you want to say or I would take that one bug sentence and spilt it up into two or three sentences.

  3. This is great! I lobve how on all of your paragrahs you first have an introduction summarizing all cannons of the specific time period and then go into the datails of your specific cannon.

  4. This is a great paragraph because the information is so perfect and I learned even more about canons after i was done with the paragragh. The only thong that left me wondering was the last sentence where you said something about crucial parts? what do you mean?

  5. Thanks Alex for your comment, I have revised my paragraph to make it make since a little bit more.
